
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Roymela Durgapuja

Manbazar Roymela Durgapuja 2012

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Manbazar Roy Durga temple : Manbazar Roy Durga temple is contemporary temple of Patharmohra kingdom place Durga mandir. The temple is above 300 years old. No icon of the deity of Doddess Durga is made here like Patharmohra.In earlier time image of the Goddess Durga was made there,after an incidence it has been stopped. Without image,the worship is continued till now.

Coloqual word is once upon a time a wife (bride) had gone to the temple for serving worship to the Goddess Durga but didn’t return. Finding her they saw, only the sign of blood on the face of Goddess Durga in her turning back position.They also heard the supernatural voice of the Goddess,”don’t worship me making my image” on that time. Hence they stopped making image of the Goddess Durga till now. This word come out manyof old age people in our locality.
Worship : The worship is followed as per Patharmohra Durga mandir. On the day of ‘Saptami’ and ‘Dashami’ they jointly perform their ‘Nabapatrika’ comes and immersion activities with Patharmohra and other ‘Dolas’ (set of Nabapatrika) as per their time schedule.

Sacrification : On the day of  ‘Astami’ and ‘Nabami’ goats are immolated there with sugarcane,cucumber etc. There are average 20-25 he-goats are immolated there during puja days every year.

Glimpses of Photo Gallery 2019

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