
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Duttamela Durgapuja

Manbazar Duttamela Durgapuja 2012

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The deity of the Goddess Durga 2012

Manbazar Dutta Durga temple: Approximate 135 years old Durga temple. It is familiar as a ‘Dutta Durgamela’. Managed by all Dutta families reside in this locality. Temple is located in interior portion north side of Manbazar Poddarpara. Time schedule and puja rituals are followed as per Patharmohra Raj Durga temple. They accomplish ‘Nabapatrika’ coming and immersion activities with Patharmohra and othes ‘Dola’ on the days ‘Saptami’ and ‘Nabami’. No animal or living creatures are immolated there on the days ‘Astami’ and ‘Nabami’ only pumpkin, sugarcane ,sweet are allowed. All dutta families share and manage this puja collecting money theirselves. They have no movable or immovable properties for their temple and puja (worship) purpose.

Glimpses of Photo Gallery 2019

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