
Saturday, October 20, 2012

Mukharjeemela Durgapuja

Manbazar Mukharjeemela Durgapuja 2012

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 The deity of the Goddess Durga 2012

Manbazar Mukharjee Durgamela : Mukharjee Durgamela is situated near 50 meter away (east side) from Chakraborty Durgamela in the same way. Most probably this worship temple is between 110 to 120 years old after Chakraborty Durgamela. It is a family Durgamela. The founder of this temple Ramgati Mukharjee and Umacharan Mukharjee both were the resident of Manbazar Namopara. The inheritor of their family members are the main organizer of this Durga worship temple and all the activities are done during four days of puja shared by these families.
More than 30 years ago they hadn’t used the icon of the deity of the Goddess Durga instead of ‘Nabapatrika’. Locally call ‘Kola bou’ worship without following Goddess image was the system from founder to then. Present day icon of the deity of the Goddess Durga is made here like other Durgamela. But icon is small comparing other and they try to obey their earlier pattern.
On the day of ‘Astami’ (8th the new moon day) 3-4 he-goats are immolated there with other scarification of pumpkin, sugarcane etc. On the ‘Nabami’ no goat is immolated there except ‘Mansik’ (offering promises to the Goddess Durga). They arrange cocked food in the name of Goddess from ‘Saptami’ to ‘Nabami’ and invite other to take it. It is only done here than other Durgamela. The arrangement is made by the heir family in alternative way every year.
‘Nabapatrika’ of Goddess Durga is ‘awakening/bath’ and ‘immersed’ with the ‘Dola’ (procession of Nabapatrika) of Patharmohra king’s family with others to the destination Gopal sayer on ‘Saptami’ and ‘Dashami’ respectively. All the rituals and scheduled times are followed as per Patharmohra king’s family Durgamela.
Remarks : ‘Yoggi’ is done here three consecutive days from ‘Saptami’ to ‘Nabami’ every year. Main priest of this temple is Dhirendranath Chakraborty and his assistant Badyanath Banerjee (from this year).

Glimpses of Photo Gallery 2019


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